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Design, drainage & Warterproof for showers

Shower Systems

Discover the different shower systems that we manufacture at Guru Usa.

Waterproofing Shower Systems

The waterproofing shower systems are the perfect option for any shower and bath that needs to be preserved over time. Unfortunately, many times homebuilders, remodelers or homeowners only focus on the price of the bathroom and choose the most affordable instead of investing in a well-constructed, quality shower with more durability.

At Guru usa we are committed to training architects and installers so that they can verify for themselves all the advantages they offer. You can find this information in the partners, videos or downloads section where we show you how our products work and their technical characteristics.

Our shower systems are the best solution for waterproof the showers and bathrooms. These products contain all the necessary accessories to ensure the drainage and waterproofing of the showers and bathtubs. 

Characteristics of Shower Systems

Security, durability and easy installation are the main characteristics that we follow for our shower systems.

Easy installation

Our shower systems contain installation instructions and templates to adapt the height and levels in any type of installation.

Made with stainless steel

All the grids and systems of our shower systems are made of stainless steel to ensure the long useful life of the shower and the drainage systems.

Help and training

The philosophy that we follow at GURU USA is always to facilitate and train installers in everything necessary to make the most of all the benefits of our shower systems.

Design & Variety

. We have a wide range of products adaptable to any design and style of shower so that the adaptability to the bathroom environment is perfect. We offer different shapes, colors and concepts for shower systems.


Our Water-Stop sheet is included in all our shower systems kits to achieve total waterproofing in your shower and bathroom. The shower waterproof is one of the points that differentiate us at GURU USA

Lifetime warranty

Our waterproofing shower systems are made from the best possible materials. Thanks to this we have achieved the lifetime warranty seal provided that the installation is in accordance with our instructions.

Shower systems for tile and stone

Ceramic tile showers are gaining popularity with homeowners and specialists alike due to the way they typically blend utility and design. However, a floor tile installation is only as good as the shower waterproofing kit it is assembled with. An excellent shower waterproofing system ensures that shower walls, backing boards, and also subfloors are protected from water damage, while also providing ancillary benefits like eliminating the requirement for a bed. of conventional mud by integrating a shower tray with a previous slope to guide the water in the direction of drainage.

The water stop sheet used in the waterproofing system for showers completely pushes the water back while redirecting it to the drain pipe at the base of the shower, which means that the floor tiles and also the cement dry much faster. , essentially eliminating any kind of mold or mildew concerns.

Because you don’t need to build the mortar bed and then wait for it to dry, using our shower systems can significantly reduce the amount of time and material needed to install a ceramic tile shower. In addition, these packages can be assembled conveniently since they do not require the use of boards, bolts or proprietary specialized tools.